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Help CenterSurveys ConfigurationSurveys Workflow Overview

Surveys Workflow Overview

Last updated February 13, 2025

This guide outlines the Surveys Workflow page on the Superorder dashboard.

All Superorder surveys start with one (4-5 Star) or two (1-3 Star) default questions.

  1. How was your order? (scale of 1-5)
  2. What could we improve to deserve a 5-star rating from you? (open-ended for general feedback)

Survey Types:

  1. Order Survey: Texted to customers after they order directly from your website. These have more customization options such as new/returning customers and order value.
  2. Location Survey: Customers access by scanning a QR Code associated with the location.

Additional Questions

Once you've defined your survey criteria, you can add custom questions by clicking "+ New Question" at the bottom of the page.

You can add the following types of questions:

  1. Multiple Choice
  2. Single Choice
  3. Long Text
  4. Short Text
  5. Rating (on a scale of 1-5)

By default, all surveys include the first two questions. Use this feature to further customize and personalize your survey based on the customer's initial rating.

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